Fall 2022

Hi Friends!

It’s been a while since we last spoke. To be honest, while I expected this past fall semester to be full of new content from NYC restaurants for my food blog, my meals mainly consisted of the same dining hall pizza (thanks Hewitt) and the same peanut butter and banana bagels (thanks to post-practice breakfast at Ferris). This semester has probably been the busiest I’ve had yet - a constant balancing between swimming, classes, volunteering, homework, and also finding some time to have fun. That being said, while there weren’t many meals eaten off campus this semester, the meals I had were memorable nonetheless. Here are some examples:

This past semester, my friend Kaleigh and I made it a point to have weekly Monday night dinners at a dining hall. Every week, we would sit down, chat about the events that occurred over the past weekend, and then treat ourselves to the yummiest dining hall chocolate milk and cereal assortment as part of our dessert. While the meals weren’t super fancy, over the semester, Mondays became something I looked forward to rather than something I dreaded, simply because of these special dinners.

Another example of a meal I cherished close to campus was my post-Spanish class bagels with my friend Sarah. This comfort spot of mine is known as Wu and Nussbaum, or “Nuss” for short (a restaurant that serves noodles, dumplings, and bagels - I know, what a combo). Whenever we finished a Spanish quiz, project, or even an Organic Chemistry test, Sarah and I would go get coffee and a bagel at Nuss. I’ve probably had more bagels from Nuss this semester than I have fingers and toes combined! 

Finally, since the spring of 2023, Emily, Hannah and I have made it a tradition to go to the Hungarian Pastry Shop near campus every Sunday night. No matter how busy we are during the week, we make it a point to make Sundays at 7:30pm a time for us to catch up while indulging in probably the best carrot cake to ever exist and Hungarian coffee with whipped cream. This tradition is what gets me to the next week and the impending doom of Monday morning practice.

The little things, like Monday dinners with Kaleigh, post-spanish Nuss with Sarah, and treats at Hungarian with Hannah and Emily are what helped me get through the nitty gritty of each day and are special moments I will cherish forever. There may or may not be meals eaten at NYCs finest restaurants every week this upcoming spring semester - and I've learned to accept that I am fine either way. While I will always crave a special meal at a restaurant to post about, whether it be Hewitt or Carbone, at the end of the day it’s the memories with the people I eat with that I will remember most. 




Having a NYC Summer (2023 edition)

