TACO BELL’s mexican Pizza

Taco Bell. I need to have a word with you. You took it away. You brought it back. And you took it away again, just to bring it back in September.

You may not know this, Taco Bell, but my family thrives off of this item. There’s something that just makes us smile about driving up to the speaker in the drive through and saying: “Can we have 4 Mexican Pizzas with beans, no beef, and 25 fire sauces with that?”

I always used to get embarrassed by how many sauce packets my family would take from Taco Bell. We would take some to use on taco night at home, take some to vacuum seal in a bag and send to my grandma in India, and then use at least 4 of them per Mexican pizza. But over the years, I’ve realized that this is just how we do things. That, and also because I’ve found appreciation in reading the insightful wisdom on the sauce packets as a past-time. My favorites would have to be “Your colon wishes you went to Subway” and “Will you marry me?”. And a big plus is that these sauce packets are free (I hope this post doesn’t give them any ideas) . . .

Anyways. Back to the pizza. The crispy tortilla, the warm beans and cheese, the second crispy tortilla, the sauce, the cheese, and then the most crucial ingredient–fire sauce. Yeah, it’s kinda strange, but everything about it brings warmth and unites every single person on both sides of my family. I know you might be thinking: how can this random fast food item have so much meaning? I know you might be thinking: this is so unhealthy for you. I know you might be thinking: why don’t you just get the crunch wrap supreme instead?  

Let me tell you that after 19 years of existence, I have come to find that there is nothing that reminds me more of home than a Mexican Pizza from Taco Bell. There’s nothing like a Mexican Pizza after a long trip out of the country, after a 3-day swim meet, on a Sunday night when no one wants to cook, and on Christmas Eve with your family. There’s nothing like Mexican Pizza. Period. 

So Taco-Bell, I urge you. Keep the item. My family itself will buy enough to cover the costs. I promise. 

And for those of you who are reading this that haven’t tried it yet, go to Taco Bell on September 15th and indulge. You won’t regret it.





